School franchise



BeBrain Innovation School Financial Data

Become the owner of your private BeBrain School!
We want to offer you 3 proposals of the possible franchise partnership. They are as follows:

1) The first required payment is 1.200 EUR + 500 EUR (the advertising fee per 1 year) and the royalty is 25% of your net profit. These payments cover the education of the first party teachers and consultation at the beginning of starting your business. The royalty fee is going for your advertisement. This kind of franchise doesn`t give you any exclusive right for your city or town. Please see the table below:

Required Payment, EUR Advertising Fee, EUR Franchise Fee, EUR
1 200 500 25% of the net profit

You will get:

  • Print materials for educating the memory training and speadreading courses and electronic materials for the mental math, calligraphy and lettering courses
  • Brandbook for preparing your school
  • Consultation at the beginning and starting your business
  • Program update

2) The first required payment and royalty depends on the population of your city or town. These payments cover the education of the first party teachers and consultation at the beginning of starting your business. The royalty fee is going for your advertisement. This kind of franchise gives you an exclusive right for your city or town. Please see the table below:

Population of Citizens Franchise Fee, EUR Royalty, EUR
The capital of country 8 500 290
The capital district 7 500 170
More than 1 million people 7 500 150
500 thousand — 1 million people 6 800 150
200 — 500 thousand people 5 200 150
100 — 200 thousand people 3 700 150
50 — 100 thousand people 2 500 120
25 — 50 thousand people 1 400 75
Less than 25 thousand people 1 400 75

You will get:

  • Print materials for educating the memory training and speadreading courses and electronic materials for the mental math, calligraphy and lettering courses
  • Brandbook for preparing your school
  • Consultation at the beginning and starting your business
  • Program update

3) The Master Franchise. It costs from 400 000 EUR up to 1 500 000 EUR that depends on your country. This kind of franchise gives you an exclusive right for the whole country.

Master Franchise Payment, EUR
400 000 — 1 500 000

You will get:

  • The support in teaching you the business
  • The process of selling franchises
  • Lead generation
  • Education
  • Customer relationship management
  • Program update


The BeBrain Method™ is based on innovative system of learning that covers the interests of both the children and their parents. The strength of the BeBrain Method™ lies in its individualized approach.

The speedreading and memory training program gives each student the opportunity to start fluent reading with perfect understanding at any age. Our developments are innovative so you will notice the achievements even after several lessons.

Our math program lets students to believe that they can be good in this subject. The course and the method are based on logic, besides that we train calculating, number memory and problem solving.

The calligraphy and lettering program makes the students to become more attentive, patient and creative. Children and adults will learn the traditional and the new types of fonts, they will also invent their personal and unique font.

The BeBrain Method™ is invented for different age groups: 4-7 year children, 8-11 year students, students of 12 years and older, adults.

Our methodology was designed to be compatible with, and complementary to, everything students learn in school. We know this because the BeBrain Method™ was developed by language, math, kindergarten, elementary and high school teachers on a mission.


We give our partners the possibility to have stable profits during the whole year round. Both a good teacher and a good entrepreneur may become the owner of his or her private BeBrain School. Also you have the possibility to develop your franchising system if you purchase the Master Franchise.

We offer our partners:

Franchise training

System of learning

Business support

Math Method™

BeBrain Speed Reading
and Memory Training Method™

BeBrain Calligraphy
and Lettering Method™

Program update


There are currently more than 22 million students in elementary and secondary school in the Russian Federation. For example in the USA there are more than 50 million students.

Globally, the private tutoring market is projected to exceed $227 billion by 2022. Parents in Asian-Pacific countries, such as South Korea, spend the most on tutoring – a whopping 15% or more of their income. As a result, their students consistently test higher on international assessments.

Can your country catch up? Absolutely. Parents are turning to supplemental reading, memory training, math and calligraphy education to boost their children’s grades, standardized test scores, and overall competency. In fact, spending on tutoring has increased tenfold since 2001.